Classic Machu Picchu Ticket – 4 options

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Machu Picchu Tickets: Choose 4 options to visit the wonder of the world

We have grouped together 4 tickets to Machu Picchu that allow for an easy tour without taking any other routes. They are an excellent option for those who wish to have a quiet and contemplative experience of the wonder of the world. Here, you can book any of the 4 alternatives. Remember that with us you can make the reservation easily and safely. Below, more information about these 4 alternatives.

What are the entrance fees to visit Machu Picchu?

We have selected 4 tickets for you to take a tour of Machu Picchu. All of these offer simple and quite rewarding tours to get to know the Inca citadel. Find out all the information and availability of the following tickets to Machu Picchu here.

  • Ticket Classic Photo in Machu Picchu
  • Ticket Classic Circuit
  • Ticket Classic Circuit (lower terrace)
  • Ticket the lower temples of Machu Picchu

How to book tickets to Machu Picchu in 2024?

Machu Picchu tickets are really easy to acquire. These 4 tickets, besides being easy to navigate, are widely available. Especially those belonging to Circuit 2 or the Classic Route through Machu Picchu. Follow the steps below to guarantee your Machu Picchu ticket reservation.

  • First Step – Find the date that best fits your itinerary
    • Plan your trip to avoid booking errors.
    • Select the ticket you like best. They all have 10 entry times.
    • Thanks to the virtual calendar you will be able to know the availability of each of the tickets.
  • Step Two – Register your data
    • After confirming your travel date, the form for filling out contact information will be enabled.
    • If there are several people, you will have to enter the information for each of them correctly.
    • Once completed, you can make the payment for the respective reservation.
    • You can make the payment with different payment methods such as credit or debit cards affiliated with Visa, MasterCard, Dinners Club and payments through PayPal.
  • Third Step – Check your inbox
    • All that remains is to receive confirmation of payment for your reservation.
    • After this and after the corresponding 24 hours, you will receive the ticket to Machu Picchu in your inbox.
    • Sometimes posts end up in the spam inbox.

Availability of the 4 tickets to visit Machu Picchu in the easiest way

  • Here we present all the availability of the 4 tickets to visit Machu Picchu exclusively.
  • The most requested tickets will be Classic Circuit Ticket 1 and Classic Circuit Ticket 2 (lower terrace)
  • During the high season, more tickets will be available at all entrances to Machu Picchu.


Prices of the 4 tickets to visit Machu Picchu

The 4 tickets have similar prices, and all have discounts for minors and university students under 25 years of age. Remember that all these tickets have 10 different times throughout the day, from 6:00 to 15:00 hours for entry. All price information is below.

Ticket Machu Picchu Classic PhotoTicket Machu Picchu Classic CircuitTicket Machu Picchu Classic Circuit (lower terrace)Ticket Machu Picchu Lower Temples
All the countries Adult GeneralTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 57Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 57Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 57Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 57
CAN Adult CANTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 28Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 28Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 28Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 28
All the countries StudentTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 32
CAN CAN studentTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 18
All the countries ChildTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 32Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 32
CAN ChildTicket Machu Picchu Solo $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Montaña $ 18Ticket Machu Picchu + Museo $ 18

This is the route with the different entrances

1. Ticket Classic Photo in Machu Picchu
2. Ticket Classic Circuit
3. Ticket Classic Circuit Entrance (lower terrace)
4. Ticket to the lower temples of Machu Picchu
  • The tour begins at the detour to the upper platforms.
  • Go around the upper platforms.
  • Meet the House of the Guardian.
  • Get to the area for the postcard photo.
  • Visit other Machu Picchu viewpoints.
  • See the entire Inca citadel.
  • Aprecia los andenes superiores.
  • The return is the initial route.
  • Entrance through the upper part platforms.
  • Continue with the tour of the main temples.
  • Go through the Mirador del Templo del Sol.
  • Brief step through the House of the Inca.
  • Follow the path to the Main Temples.
  • Continues with views of the esplanades.
  • Brief rest in search of the Sacred Rock.
  • I return for the temples in the lower area.
  • Option to visit the Temple of the Condor or the Water Mirrors.
  • Exit through the agricultural area.
  • Entrance near the upper platforms.
  • Permite foto similar a la Foto Postal.
  • View of the Temple of the Sun.
  • The tour allows for new views of Machu Picchu.
  • Arrive at Plaza del Templo Principal.
  • Recorre Templo Principal y Templo de las 3 ventanas.
  • Continue until you reach the Sacred Rock.
  • Before that, we will pass through the esplanades of the place.
  • Recurrido por el Templo de los 12 vanos.
  • Recorrido por el Templo del Cóndor.
  • View of Plaza Pisonay.
  • Exit through the agricultural area.
  • We entered through the agricultural area.
  • Tour of the wide esplanades of Machu Picchu.
  • View of the Main Temples from the lower area.
  • Approach to the Temple of the Sun (viewpoint only).
  • View of the Plaza de Pisonay.
  • Recurrido por los 12 vanos.
  • The return will begin with the colcas in the eastern sector.
  • View of the Temple of the Condor or the Water Mirrors.
  • Another view and tour of Plaza Pisonay.
  • Departure through the agricultural area of ​​Machu Picchu.
Mapa Machu Picchu Clásico


More information about the 4 tickets to visit Machu Picchu

The 4 tickets to Machu Picchu are ideal for a simple tour of Machu Picchu. In addition, the 4 tickets we are talking about have many more things in common. Especially because they all have the 10 respective schedules. You can also find similarities in prices and offers. On the other hand, we want to mention those details to take into account in a general way and then, in the table, the independent details of each of the tickets to Machu Picchu that we selected for an adequate comparison.

  • The 4 tickets offer 10 time slots starting at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m..
  • Reservations can be made any day of the year.
  • There is greater availability for tickets belonging to the Classic Circuit, but also greater demand.
  • Thanks to the variety of schedules, it is possible to visit Machu Picchu in just one day.
  • The total travel time is 2 hours and 30 minutes for each ticket.
1. Ticket Classic Photo in Machu Picchu
2. Ticket Classic Circuit
3. Ticket Classic Circuit Entrance (lower terrace)
4. Ticket to the lower temples of Machu Picchu
  • It allows a panoramic view of Machu Picchu.
  • It is ideal to have the postcard photo.
  • Primary choice for photographers.
  • Tour of the main viewpoints.
  • Views from the Guardian’s House.
  • Link between the other routes of Circuito 2 or Ruta Panorámica.
  • It offers a contemplative experience.
  • Ticket is valid for all ages.
  • Tour of the main buildings of Machu Picchu.
  • It is an entry with high demand.
  • Large amount of tickets.
  • It goes through the main temples.
  • Ideal for those who want to know every detail of Machu Picchu.
  • The ticket allows safe travel.
  • The route will connect up to the Sacred Rock.
  • You will be able to see the esplanades of Machu Picchu.
  • Ideal for taking a photo in Plaza Pisonay.
  • Tour through the narrow streets of Machu Picchu.
  • Start the tour near the Guardian’s House.
  • Photo similar to the postcard photo.
  • Large number of entries and high demand.
  • Ideal to appreciate Inca architecture.
  • Walk to the Sacred Rock.
  • The whole route is simple and safe to do.
  • Retorno por los templos de la zona inferior de Machu Picchu.
  • View of the wide esplanades of Machu Picchu.
  • Photography option at Pisonay Square.
  • Tour of the temples in the lower area of ​​Machu Picchu.
  • Start the route from the agricultural area.
  • Landscape photo from the platforms.
  • The main temples can be seen from the esplanades of Machu Picchu.
  • This route connects with the other routes on the Royal Circuit.
  • It offers a simple and calm route.
  • It is a simple route to do.
  • Photography option on the lower platforms.

What should I bring to have a good experience in Machu Picchu?

  • You will always need to carry your ID or passport.
  • Have a pleasant trip by using mosquito repellent and sunscreen.
  • The routes of the 4 entrances are easy to do, it will not be necessary to wear hiking shoes.
  • You only need comfortable and sturdy shoes.
  • For a comfortable experience, it is recommended to wear clothing appropriate to the occasion (sports or mountain).
  • Don’t forget your camera.
  • For a more informative tour, hire the services of a professional guide.
  • It never hurts to have some snacks and drinks.

Why book the Classic Photo ticket to Machu Picchu?

  • La entrada Foto Clásica de Machu Picchu, ofrece las espectaculares fotos panorámicas de Machu Picchu.
  • The Classic photo or Postcard photo of Machu Picchu is one of the best souvenirs you can take with you.
  • This route is especially requested by those who want to take photographs.
  • Although the tour is short, the entrance fee allows you to see the main viewpoints of Machu Picchu.
  • You can visit the Casa del Guardián, an important enclosure that also served as a control point.
  • You will enjoy a contemplative experience.
  • It is one of the most comfortable routes to take and you can rest during the journey.

Why book a Classic Circuit ticket?

  • The Classic Circuit 1 ticket is one of the ways with the fewest variations when visiting Machu Picchu.
  • It offers beautiful views of the agricultural area and the main entrance to Machu Picchu.
  • It is a tour of the main attractions of the llaqta or citadel of Machu Picchu.
  • During the tour you can learn more about Inca architecture and its main characteristics.
  • Entering the citadel allows you to be part of the mysticism of Machu Picchu.
  • This is an easy route to follow, suitable for both children and older adults.

Why book the Classic Circuit ticket (lower terrace)?

  • The entrance to Machu Picchu on the Classic Route or Circuit 2 (lower terrace), maintains the essence of the first tours of Machu Picchu.
  • It is possible to appreciate the composition of the platforms, both in the upper and lower areas.
  • You will learn more about the famous Inca architectural precision.
  • You will see up close the main Inca constructions of the entire citadel.
  • It is one of the best options for those who want to relive old memories of their visit to Machu Picchu.
  • The tour allows you to better appreciate the harmony of the urban planning with its natural surroundings.
  • The entire route is easy to complete and is suitable for all ages.

Why book the entrance to the lower temples of Machu Picchu?

  • The entrance to the Temples in the lower part of Machu Picchu offers a fairly simple route to follow.
  • Like other tickets, you can see part of the Inca buildings.
  • It is ideal for people who have some limitations to move freely or require assistance.
  • It exclusively allows the tour of the temples in the lower area of ​​Machu Picchu.
  • This ticket is ideal for all ages. More seniors choose and prefer to take this route.

Book everything you need to get to Machu Picchu and don’t miss anything

The distance between Cusco and Machu Picchu is approximately 100 kilometers. In this sense, some extra services are needed in addition to having obtained the reservation of the entrance. The main services to achieve the trip to Machu Picchu by train, likewise, hotels are required in some cases and the presence of buses and other transportation will never be lacking to facilitate the travel experience. Below, we detail the information of the services necessary to get to Machu Picchu.

  • Train ticket reservations – Train tickets must be reserved once you have obtained entry to Machu Picchu. Among our services, you can reserve this service. We have all the travel options from tourist trains to first class or luxury trains. Remember to take into account the entry times to Machu Picchu when traveling by train.
  • Eco-friendly buses – Eco-friendly buses are ideal for saving time during your visit to Machu Picchu. The archaeological site is approximately 10 kilometers from the train station. Therefore, this distance must be covered on foot or by bus. The buses have frequent departures and are ideal for arriving at Machu Picchu with plenty of energy.
  • Hotels in Cusco and Machu Picchu Pueblo – Arriving in Cusco allows you to do several activities both at the time of visiting Machu Picchu and also afterwards. We can help you find the best hotel so that you have a comfortable experience during your stay in Cusco. We also have a catalog of hotels in Aguas Calientes or Machu Picchu Pueblo.
  • Official tour guide – Official tour guides are the right people to enrich your trip and experience when touring Machu Picchu. They are in charge of giving you all the information and details of Machu Picchu. They will also help you make the tour in an enjoyable way. At any time you can ask them questions or express your doubts regarding the Inca constructions.

Frequently asked questions when visiting or traveling to Machu Picchu

All types of experiences in Machu Picchu

Enjoy the trip to Machu Picchu with the best services

Choose one of the 5 types of tickets

The entrance to Machu Picchu offers discounts for university students, those under 18 years of age and citizens of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. Children under 3 years enter free! Get your entry to 'mapi' here.

We take you wherever you want in Cusco

The private transportation service takes you to any tourist destination in Cusco. Travel with total security in a private service for you, your partner, your friends or family. Includes pick up service from the airport or transfer to Machu Picchu train station, book here!

An unforgettable train trip to Machu Picchu

In total there are four tourist train services to Machu Picchu: Expedition, Vistadome, Vistadome Observatory and the Hiram Bingham luxury train. They all belong to the prestigious Peru Rail company. Buy the tickets here! Take advantage of the discounts!

Get on the final bus to Machu Picchu

The train trip will leave you in the town of Aguas Calientes, 10 kilometers from Machu Picchu. For this last section you must get the bus to Machu Picchu, a comfortable service that takes care of the environment of the wonder of the world. Buy your bus ticket here!

Tour Machu Picchu with a professional guide

In Machu Picchu the tour guide service is not mandatory. However, most tourists decide to go accompanied by a guide. This way they will be able to fully understand the history and importance of the wonder of the Incas.

Machupicchu all inclusive 1 day

If you do not want to buy each ticket to Machu Picchu separately, it is best to hire an all-inclusive tour. Includes: transfer to the station, train ticket, tour guide, entrance fee and lunch option at the best ‘mapi’ restaurant. Book the tour here!